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2003-04-14-10:47 p.m.

An Entry for Andrew

"Open it for me."


"Open it for me."


"Open it for me!"

"Where are your manners?"

"I don't know. I lost them. They fell on the floor."

"Well, you can have this back when we get home. Maybe then you'll find your manners."

Disgusted sounds.


"What if I lost them forever? What if they're all over in my body? What if they're stuck in my big toe?"


There is nothing cuter in the world than Andrew in his miniature baseball uniform. His pants are XXS. His socks are small, but still a little too big. The bottom of the number on the back of his shirt disappears into his pants.

He stood in the outfield today trying to get the coach to have a conversation with him while the game was going on. That didn't work so he took his glove off and put rocks in it. When he went back to the dugout he scuffed his cleets all along the white chalk and obliterated the whole third base line. He played catcher for one inning and tagged all the runners who came home even though he didn't have the ball.

Whenever I ask him how he did, he says, "Great!" There's a lesson in there somewhere.


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