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2002-09-03-9:56 p.m.

Flowers From Heaven

We ran to the door the other day and this guy handed us a most, most beautiful basket of flowers. There were (what I think are) purple spider lilies, pink carnations, tiny yellow mums. Gorgeous. I put them on the bar and wondered who could have sent us flowers.

The envelope was addressed to the whole family - each person was named and spelled correctly. When I pulled out the card it said, "You are loved, God." Now who would do something like that?

I guess it could really have been God. I mean, he could very easily get his own flowers and his own van and delivery guy and do the whole thing supernaturally. That's actually the first thing that flitted across my mind and I'm sure that was the intention of the real sender.

Because I think it was somebody. Somebody who knows what we've all been going through lately. Somebody who is kind and thoughtful. I wonder who?

At first I wanted to know. But as the day went on I discovered that I was considering lots of people as possible suspects. There ARE a lot of people I know who might think of doing something sweet like sending flowers to our whole family. And now I like not knowing. I like thinking that maybe it was this person or that person. I like seeing someone I know and wondering if it's him or her. It's the exact opposite of having something bad done to you and wondering who did it. Instead of being paranoid thinking of bad things you go around seeing the possibilities of good everywhere. I like that a lot.

So see, whoever you are, you gave a double present. There are the really lovely flowers sitting on the coffee table and there's the brand new, soft, cozy blanket you wrapped around us - the blanket of possibilities. Thank you, God!


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