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2001-08-20-1:22 p.m.

A Proffer Goes to School

Well, we finally enrolled a kid in a public school. Megan is in eighth grade and has been dying to go to "real" school for a long time. She really longs for structure and more teacher input. I think she'll do well.

We went early to register. We were impressed with the beautiful new building and nice, big classrooms. We waited our turn to see the principal and he was very nice, although we were very nervous. I gave him a folder of work that Megan did in seventh grade and he asked her some questions. I asked him to look at the papers she had written and told him I would like her to be in honors English. He said okay, so I pushed for Math, too. He agreed reluctantly.

Other than being totally put out when I picked her up from the first day of school in the red Ford pickup Megan has had a good couple of days of school.

Some things I've noticed that kind of tick me off a little:

1) Air-conditioning. Air-conditioning, airconditioning, air-conditioning. These kids will never know how to sweat. We sweated in school. We learned amidst our sweat. We were very good sweaters.

2) The food is good. They don't wait in a (hot) line for trays of tasteless, processed food. Megan has eaten pizza and something else that sounded good. I don't know about nutrition, though. I think she'll probably start bringing her lunch several times a week.

3) Drug-testing! Eighth grade!!

The best thing about having someone in public school is that I have to get up early. I make breakfast and pack Stan's lunch before 7:30. That is a big change for me! After they've left I have time to drink coffee and piddle on the internet for a while before the little ones get up and we still finish all our schoolwork before lunch. A definite improvement.

Oh! another thing - Megan's not here to do the lunch dishes anymore. Phoo!


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